Made with Unity.

Programming and Design by me.

This is a game where kanji fall from the top of the screen and you have to combine them to make more complex kanji. The game was made to help people learn Japanese kanji by making studying more fun and accessible. Players will get a feel for which kanji can be combined and what their meanings are through exposure, and they don't have to worry so much about reviewing flashcards.

If you like this game and would like to see updates in the future such as more kanji radicals and compounds, more levels (possibly daily challenges and such), and an in-game dictionary, feel free to leave a donation or a comment.

Currently, there are 7 radicals in the game: 人, 十, 口, 日, 月, 木 and 水, and the only kanji which are supported are one's that can be made by combining these radicals and by combining kanji made of these radicals. In cases for kanji such as 沓 and 汨, which contain the same combination of radicals, the one that seemed to be less common (汨) has been left out. In the case of kanji such as 品, the game only supports combining two characters at a time, and there doesn't seem to be an intermediary character that combines two 口 radicals, so these types of (unreachable) kanji have also been left out. Taking all of this into account, I still most likely missed some characters, or I may have messed up some of the meanings or example words. If you notice anything that seems to be incorrect, or if you notice a kanji character which is missing, please leave a comment so that I can fix it.

Note: The game lists kanji as either COMMON, UNCOMMON, or RARE to make it simple for people who might not be familiar with the terminology. But, for anyone who is familiar and wants to know what these stand for, Jouyou kanji are labeled as COMMON, Jinmeiyou kanji are labled as UNCOMMON, and kanji which are not included in either list (hyougai) are labled as RARE.

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