Rack up points by managing the colors of boxes in this fast paced clicking game. You will need a mouse or touchpad to play.

Design and Programming: Ian Connors

Music: Cron_audio_8-bit_modern 03 (free audio pack on Unity asset store)

Strategy Guide:

1. Trash path: The boxes on the dark grey path lead to the trash, so you don't need to worry about what colors they are. More boxes spawn on this path than the other ones, so you can use it to switch out and manage your held boxes.

2. Held boxes: You can hold 4 boxes at a time at the side of the screen. The best way to use these is to pick up as many boxes of the current Accumulator color as you can so you can quickly switch out the boxes on any of the main paths. The game tells you what color the Accumulator is going to switch to and how much time you have left, so it's best to prepare some held boxes for when it switches.

3. Bombs: You lose the game instantly if a bomb (camo colored box) gets to the Accumulator. Make sure you watch out for bombs. When you pick them up, it's best practice to switch them out with one of the boxes on the trash path. If you don't manage them, you could end up having multiple bombs in your held boxes, which can lead to mistakes.

4. Point values: 

Red: 100, Yellow: 200, Green: 300, Blue: 400, Camo: 2000

If they match the Accumulator color, blue boxes are your best way to rack up points, but keep in mind that they are also the second most deadly color if they don't match the Accumulator (right after bombs). If you wind up not having any colors that match the Accumulator, it's best to let low valued boxes past, such as reds and yellows. You might end up switching bombs, blues, and greens out for reds and yellows even if the color doesn't match, just so you lose less points.

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